Dear YEO Members and Partners:
The staff here at the Young Elected Officials Network have been closely monitoring the national response to the coronavirus outbreak as we prepare for several 15th Anniversary events planned around the country, including our 2020 National Convening planned for late April in Atlanta, Georgia.
Out of an abundance of caution and upcoming contract deadlines, we will reschedule the first two trainings for our 2020 cohort of the Front Line Leaders Academy later this year. They were scheduled for the months of March and April in Los Angeles, California and Detroit, Michigan. We will remain in constant contact with the 30 members of our cohort, spread across 15 states and update our training schedule as the national situation evolves.
For now, we have not made any changes to our plans to host our 2020 National Convening, scheduled April 29 - May 3, in Atlanta. We encourage members to continue to secure registration before our March 23rd deadline at YEOnetwork.org/atlanta. However, we encourage any members or partners planning to attend to:
Closely monitor the email you provided at registration for any updates from the YEO team.
If you haven’t purchased plane tickets, please do not purchase them until further notice. We hope to make an official announcement about the Convening by April 1st. If you have purchased your tickets already, we suggest you purchase travel insurance on any flights you book to and from Atlanta. Also consult with your airline as they may have a contingency plan in place to address the current situation.
Be prepared to change your plans, stay home and contact a physician if you or someone you’ve been in contact with exhibits any symptoms in the lead-up to the event.
Our plan is to give all of our members updates about any changes to our plans well in advance so that you can respond accordingly.
Please use these helpful tips and resources to protect the health and safety of yourselves, your families and members of your communities and pay close attention to your city, county or state’s response to the outbreak. If you have any questions or updates, please contact our Membership Associate, Michelle Landry, at mlandry@pfaw.org.
The YEO Team